I can’t seem to get mgear to import a skin pack.
I’m trying to import the skin pack through a post custom step script. I get this type of warning for each skinned object when the post script tries to run:
# Warning: Object: Short_sim_shirt Skiped. Can't found corresponding deformer for the following joints:
followed by a list of joints. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
the post script looks like this:
import mgear.shifter.custom_step as cstp
class CustomShifterStep(cstp.customShifterMainStep):
"""Custom Step description
def setup(self):
Setting the name property makes the custom step accessible
in later steps.
i.e: Running self.custom_step("importSkins") from steps ran after
this one, will grant this step.
self.name = "importSkins"
def run(self):
"""Run method.
i.e: self.mgear_run.global_ctl
gets the global_ctl from shifter rig build base
i.e: self.component("control_C0").ctl
gets the ctl from shifter component called control_C0
i.e: self.custom_step("otherCustomStepName").ctlMesh
gets the ctlMesh from a previous custom step called
None: None
from mgear.core import skin
skinpath = "N:\Football\Promo\Maya\Assets\data\mGear\Skins\Sim_kit\SimKitPack.gSkinPack"
Any suggestions on how to get this working is greatly appreciated.