After a long wait, mGear 5.0 Beta is finally available!
A huge thanks to @Milio, Kim Sol, @chrislesage, and all the amazing contributors!
I’ve decided to release this version as a beta since it marks one of the biggest changes we’ve ever made to mGear. While there aren’t many new features, we’ve made a massive overhaul to the backend.
Notably, we’ve removed PyMEL, which was a major undertaking. Some bugs still need to be ironed out, and I appreciate your patience as we work through them.
Final release expected in 2–3 weeks!
mGear 5.0 will also be released alongside ueGear 1.0 for Unreal Engine. After this milestone, our focus will shift back to adding new features and improving existing ones.
Open Call for Testing & Bug Reports
I’d like to invite the community to help us by reporting any bugs you encounter in the coming weeks. Your feedback is invaluable in making mGear better!
Thank you for your support!
To report bugs, please use the new template on github https://github.com/mgear-dev/mgear/issues
Change log:
5.0.1 Beta 01
Beta relase for mGear 5.0
This version doesn’t need Pymel anymore
New Features
- New animpicker template for Metahuman (@Milio Contribution)
- Shiter component: chain_spring_gravity_01 (@Milio Contribution)
- AnimPicker: Add function to re-order tabs in edit mode#419
- Core: dagmenu.py enhancement. Reset to bindpose, reset all SRT #224
- Crank: add support to use existing blendshapes nodes or creating nodes in foc #416
- Removed Pymel dependency and new wrapper called pymaya (Big thanks to Kim Sol for all the hard work on the wrapper!!)
- SDK IO adding support to blendshape nodes #434
- Shifter: adding Edit button on message window when custom step fails #450
- Spring Manager: Only keyframe relevant attributes Rotate and translate. #420
Bug Fix
- Anim Picker: Lost any tabs that haven’t been converted to nurbs when you switch back to picker data. #323
- anim_picker: Reading data file which uses ANIM_PICKER_PATH token is not working #210
- Metahuman template MISC bugs #426
- RBF manager uses f-strings which breaks compatibility with Maya 2020 #417
- RBF Manager: Mirror pose not working correctly #424
- Shifter foot: Toes do not scale together with the fk foot #320
- Shifter: Error using custom_step duplicate function #213
Removed Tools
- Rigbits: PostSpring
- Rigbits: RBF manager v1
- Rigbits: Rope tool
- Synoptic picker
IMPORTANT NOTE: MacOS Catalina and later has heightened security restrictions on apps and plugins. Run this command in the Terminal, which removes the “quarantine” flag from when it gets downloaded:
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /PATH/TO/THE/MGEAR/SOLVERS/DIRECTORY/