Hi, once more.
I’ve noticed that if you make a leg (I’ve used leg_2jnt_freeTangents_01), and you leave blank the UpV Reference Array list, you get a nice legUpVRef attribute all the same. So it’s like a handy “default” space switcher where you can switch from auto (global, more or less) to ik_foot.
Now, the same thing doesn’t happen with the arms (using arm_ms_2jnt_01 modules). You don’t get a “default” spaceSwitcher.
It shouldn’t be a big deal, though: now is when I set the UpV Reference Array. But if, for instance I use the arm_L0_wrist from the shoulder module (a shoulder_01) and the arm_L0_wrist from the same arm module, when I build, I get the spaceSwitcher, all right, but when I switch to the wrist, it gives me a cycle warning. And I really, really hate cycles. I try to avoid them as much as possible. They always mean problems. And that’s because your automated space switch system seems to exclusively rely on joints. Whereas I would use ctrls instead.
My question, then is: is there a way to set a ctrl as a base for the spaceswitch? Or is there a way to set the ik elbow PV have a “default” space switch (towards world and hand), as the knee has?
Thanks and cheers