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Anim Picker - can we create drop down menus or collapse shapes?


I’ve been enjoying the anim picker but I have one question. I have a few tabs for more “specialised” sections of the rig for the picker but I was wondering if we can create drop down menus or collapse certain shapes?

For example I have a lot of different shapes for space switches. I created another semi transparent shape that lives under these other space switches, just to have things organised. But I would love to be able to collapse or minimise that shape containing so many items (it takes a lot of space). Something similar like how the Synoptic contains.

I was wondering if this is possible?
Thank you!

@alexiosa I have planned to update the anim_picker, but not sure if I will be able to add such a function.
Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

That alright, but thank you for letting me know! Looking forwards to the new update.