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Arm_2jnt_02 wrist orientation

This is similar to Problem leg_ik orientation

I would like the wrist world orientation to be optional.

I’m currently looking at the code, so I’ll send a PR over once I have something.

Hi @Toke_Stuart_Jepsen I see the PR for this and the shapes mirror tools. I will check it ASAP

Thanks for the contribution :slight_smile:

Hi! Since this is my first post here, I would like to thank you for giving us this awesome tool for rigging. :slight_smile:

SInce I’m mostly working with A pose characters, I was wondering if the custom orientation/rotation for the wrist has been implemented yet? Or maybe if there’s a way to orient/rotate the whole arm chain with the upper arm and lower arm guides?
Any updates on this? :blush:

Hey @vladzy

You can follow the development of this here: https://github.com/mgear-dev/shifter_classic_components/pull/51

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Thanks! I’ll give it a look! :astonished:

So, I’ve updated the mGear to 3.2 and tried out the arm_2jnt_04 component.
But now when I move the abdomen in any way the whole arm is rotating around the shoulder_L0_orbit_ctl and it’s values are zero. The rotation is continuous regardless of how I use the abdomen controls
In the component settings I’ve put the shoulder_L0_tip guide as a reference array, and now I’m having this weird behavior of the whole arm.
Am I not using the reference arrays correctly or is this some sort of a bug?

Is this new behaviour? Did it not happen with "arm_2jnt_02?

I’ve deleted the whole arm and created it again, set the same arrays and now it works fine.

I’ve tried replacing the “arm_2jnt_02” in the sample biped with “arm_2jnt_04” and it behaves as it should. No problems happening there.

Before the 3.2 I’ve created my own guides from scratch by copying the same way the sample biped was built.
I only added the new “arm_2jnt_04” to the guide setup after 3.2 was out.

I was getting this warning in the Shifter Build Log:

Warning: Cycle on ‘shoulder_L0_orbit_cns_parentConstraint1.constraintRotateX’ may not evaluate as expected. (Use ‘cycleCheck -e off’ to disable this warning.)

Warning: Cycle on ‘shoulder_L0_orbit_cns_parentConstraint1.target[0].targetParentMatrix’ may not evaluate as expected. (Use ‘cycleCheck -e off’ to disable this warning.)

Warning: Cycle on ‘shoulder_L0_orbit_cns_parentConstraint1.target[0].targetParentMatrix’ may not evaluate as expected. (Use ‘cycleCheck -e off’ to disable this warning.)

I’ve checked the parenting order and it was the same as in the biped sample.
So it must have been something with the Reference Arrays I’ve set.

Sorry if I’ve added more confusion. And thanks for the new arm! :smiley:

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Hi @vladzy thanks for the heads up. I will check this