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Automation the process of parent the Geo_grp to the Set-up Component!

Hi everyone , I have a little while working with mGear . I see there is some simple custome-step , and then I see at some ending of tutorial Data Centric videos , the Geo-grp being parent to Set-up component, I know that I could drag it in to set-up grp.
But I want to automation the process of parent the Geo_grp to the Set-up Component !! , but I couldn’t find out the video for that part , Is there any custome-Step for that ?

and Also ,
Is there any script to add an attribute Geo-Unselectable as Enum option like : Normal | Wire | UnSelectable to mGear Rig Build ?

you can automatically run scripts after the rig is built by adding them as post scripts.

  • select “guide”
  • in Shifter, click on Settings
  • go to Custom Steps
  • toggle on Post Custom Step
  • Add your script

the Geo-grp being parent to Set-up component, I know that I could drag it in to set-up grp.

if you’re not sure how to script this, i would just do it manually, then open up your script editor, and copy the MEL code from there. save it as a .mel script in your scripts directory, then add it to your Post Custom Step.

Hi there, I promise I’m not trying to be rude. Only helpful :slight_smile:

If you are doing the Data-Centric videos, it shows you are interested in scripting. And that’s great! But to learn how to script, you are often going to need to read the help documentation, or use a search engine.

You can’t find a video tutorial for every single command you want to run. That will take you forever, and you will never progress.

To learn to parent something with Python, check the documentation. You can google something like “maya python cmds [COMMAND YOU WANT]” and it is often the first result. Then you’ll find all the examples and flags you need to know.


There are also beginner Python courses like this which are very helpful when first starting out. Beginning Python for Maya

Selecting the MEL output in the script editor is NOT a good solution, because it often formats it in very weird ways relating to using the GUI, instead of showing you the direct command. I do not recommend learning that way. (You can find some things that way.)

Thank you a lots man , i act knowledge that i must learn basic of python,
I currently still finding a way for studying writing code , but when i follow that series, i just want to make sure that i didn’t miss anything, as I usually speed-up the video x1.5.

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