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Baking animation to rig

Hello mGear forum!
Is there any way to import the animation fbx and bake it back to the mGear rig? Simliar like Backwards Solve in unreal cotnrol rig Control Rig Forwards Solve and Backwards Solve in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation Currently, one method is using through humanIK (mocap tools) and constraint to rig controllers. However this method works only for human type characters and will still lose some details. Wondering if there any better approach or suggestions to achieve this goal? Any idea would be very appreciated. Thanks!

Hello mGear forum!
It’s ended up that we build a table for each character with the data required to do the fk control and joint constraint. As long as the animated joint can be mapped to fk control, it’s fine to get the animation imported and applied correctly. Then we simply bake the keys back to fk controls and the job is done. So far we been tested for couple characters with different shapes other than human type, and the results looks like we expected. Still not sure this is best or proper way to import animation back to mgear rig. Any idea or suggestions are welcome, thank you all~