Hi Himanshu,
I haven’t learned how to edit the synoptic yet. Our pipeline TD is implementing a different picker. But, as I understand, if you change the controllers from the template, you must also edit the synoptic to match the new controllers.
Also, you should expect to write some POST Python scripts to fix things that you don’t like in the rig. For example, we wrote 20 different scripts just for the base rig. Each character also has unique scripts.
You also have the choice to duplicate an existing module and edit it to act like you want it to. For example, I wrote a custom spine for our quadrupeds, so the spine controls still point Y-up, instead of Y towards the neck, because that is what our animators prefer.
For the hand, I didn’t like how arm_L0_ikcns_ctl
was in world space, and arm_L0_ik_ctl
had non-zero values. Also, our animators want arm_L0_ik_ctl
to be the main control, so I swap the two controls.
So I wrote this in a Post script:
(This is modified from our real script, so it can run alone. It is just to show you the kinds of scripts you might have to write to design your ideal rig for your needs. There are not GUI options for every possibility.)
from mgear.core import attribute
import pymel.core as pm
### Orient the IK hands
for side in 'LR':
handRef = pm.PyNode('arm_{}0_ik_ctl'.format(side)).getRotation(space='world')
ikCns = pm.PyNode('arm_{}0_ikcns_ctl'.format(side))
ikCtrl = pm.PyNode('arm_{}0_ik_ctl'.format(side))
handChildren = ikCtrl.getChildren(type='transform')
pm.parent(handChildren, None)
ikCns.setRotation(handRef, space='world')
ikCtrl.setRotation(handRef, space='world')
# ALSO SWAP THE ORDER OF THE IK and IK OFFSET. arm_R0_ikcns_ctl should be child.
pm.parent(ikCtrl, ikCns.getParent())
pm.parent(ikCns, ikCtrl)
pm.parent(handChildren, ikCns)
oRoot = rigbits.addNPO(ikCtrl)[0]
attribute.lockAttribute(ikCns, attributes=['v'])