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Building a 3jnt Leg thats not straight


Is there a way to build a 3 jnt leg that’s not perfectly facing in one direction?
The Knee, Ankle, and Foot controllers are all locked in X on the Guide.
(you can manually unlock them but then the whole thing goes wonky when you try to generate the rig)

The back leg of the model I’m working on is not perfectly straight its an an angle.
Any solutions other then “Just move your mesh to make it straight” would be much appreciated.


This is what it looks like in front View :slight_smile:

It’s 3 points, which will always form a triangle. If you unlock it and translate the middle, it would be geometrically the same as if you rotated the entire hip.

So the workaround would be to rotate the whole hip, instead of translating the knee and ankle sideways.

(Ideally the Shifter rig would read that triangle, and calculate the orientations, no matter how you made it, but at the moment, it doesn’t.)

This will have the side effect of making the pole vector go off to the side a bit too. But if you need to avoid that, you’ll likely have to adapt your own custom module.


Here’s hoping for future awesomeness!!