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Connect blendshapes from custom steps to the geo_root in facial rig

Hello ,
I was following the facial data centric rigging workshop tut on youtube
and after finishing all steps I want to connect the blendshapes of the custom steps to the geo face that would be exposed to animator using the custom steps post script .

in the custom steps we used the function “blendShapes.connectWithBlendshape” to connect blendshape to meshes of the previous step ,however I can’t figure out how to edit the code to connect to the meshes in the geo_root that located outside the custom steps directory

‘’’ def connect(self, stepDict):
# connect to chain the deformation with another local rig.

        stepDict["proportions"].face, self.face) '''

i want to change " stepDict[“proportions”].face" to face mesh located in geo_root
sorry I know it is a noob question but I started to learn python recently.


Hey in your proportions custom step you can add a line. I believe in your facial_base you have your geo named which then you duplicate in proportions

        stepDict["facial_base"].face, self.face)

Thank you Vito . that’s what I was looking for .

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