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Controls dissapear when entering vertex mode

hi !
i have a super weird new problem, my controls dissapear when entering vertex mode.
and they stay dissappeared even when i switch back, only scene reloading works.
seems like a graphic card problem, but i have the newest rtx drivers, and it only happens with mgear controls, not regular curves (what is the difference?)
mgear 4.0.9 maya 2022.3

Any ideas?

edit: seemed to be a problem with a scene inherent setting. After importing into a new scene the problem dissapeared.

There is something that confused the heck out of me at first. I mostly use hotkeys to unhide / unhide viewports elements so I didn’t realise that the mGear rigs use this new thing called “Controllers” and they seem to be dependent on the visibility of Nurbs Curves and at the same time, some rigs controls like the arm_L0_roll_ctl in my scene don’t need the “Controllers” filter to be on

Here is an example:

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It’s likely just a coincidence that this is happening only on nurbs curves. You can add controller tags to anything. But yes, it’s a chance that it is a bug related to controller tags if it only happens to the mGear controls.

If this comes back and becomes a blocking bug for you, and your animators aren’t taking advantage of any of the controller features, (custom hierarchy pick-walking is the main one) you can just delete all those tag nodes to get around the bug:

import pymel.core as pm

That will delete all the tags.

Controller tags aren’t super new. They’ve been around since Maya 2017.

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Thanks Chris, I have never seen a rig using “Controller tags” before or rather, I was never told our rigs used “Controller tags” so I had no idea about them until I learned about them the hard way :slight_smile:

I just saw on the Autodesk website that they allow “Control visibility based on mouse proximity”

Autodesk website

I must admit animators are more interested in rigs speed and appealing deformation so does this impact rigs speed or not?

That mouse proximity feature is kind of a dumb trick. It makes it harder to find all your controls, like playing a search-and-click adventure… I don’t like it at all. And yes, I found my viewport slowed down and lagged while moving the mouse around the hidden controllers on complex rigs. Animation playback didn’t seem affected.

The rig doesn’t slow down with fully visible controllers. And playback cache might actually prioritize them? I’m not sure.

And as you’ve seen, it lets you filter/show only animation controls.

And it lets you define a custom pick-walk hierarchy, so animators can pick through fingers, hand, arm or any custom structure, using up, down, left, and right keys, without selecting parts of the background rig. To me, that is cool. But maybe not worth all the bugs. Pick-walking the controls is annoying while rigging. You can temporarily turn it off with an environment setting.