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Custom Guide Classes with Dynamic Registration for mGear Components

Dear @Miquel @chrislesage , and developpers

Is it possible to build a custom component with different sides, such as Center, Left, and Right, as an individual component? I am currently working on creating a custom module for the brow/lip.

The mGear guide class does not support multiple sides in its comp_side class attribute. Additionally, the guide class name must be a fixed name. To address this, I thought there was a need for a registry attribute where each guide class is dynamically registered during import. As a result, I can’t manage the various sides within the same component of the brow_01 package. What do you think about this approach?

I successfully constructed a guide rig for these sides using an approach where I included the GuideSide class in the addObjects method of the Guide class. However, when I attempted to build the rig, I couldn’t generate the rig for the Guide class, which corresponds to the Center brow rig, because I encountered an issue, Object missing (as shown in the first image) which was that each guide instance came from the same Guide class. Eventually, they must be registered in some way rather than a fixed class name Guide to make it work.

Hi @jojo2468ng Happy new year!

I think is possible if you hardcode or handle the naming internally. for example instead of using self.getName you can handle your names or addCtl just modify the name after creation.

For the guide maybe using some kind or redundant names. so you keep the valid C0 side but the locator have a name where it says if is right, center or left. For example: inner_left_C0_loc, inner_rigth_C0_loc, etc…

I hope this helps