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Does mGear work in both maya units cm and meters?

I am using mGear for games. I am working with a custom engine and it works in meters. I would like to build and animate in meters in Maya. I tried building mGear rig or importing the guides but it collapses in the origin. However, already build rig works. I know that workaround will be to toggle between cm and meter but it would be helpful to know if it can be used in meter units.
Thanks :slight_smile:

I am not a fan of changing Maya units… it tends to be problematic!.. have you tried keeping Maya as default, cm, and assuming you are exporting using FBX, set the units to meters?

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I tried it but the transform values doesn’t changes. If it is translateX is 250 cm in maya then in export with meters, it is same.

Hi @chrislesage, Can anyone from mGear comment on this?

No, but I’ll answer as a Maya user: Stay in cm. Don’t toggle anything. I am pretty sure many internal Maya commands also fail in meters. Nothing to do with mGear.

Do the conversion in your model designs, so when you work and export in cm, it is the correct size for your target engine. That’s how I would do it, personally.

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