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Error With HumanIk Mapper

I have Maya 2024.2 and Mgear 4.2.4 and pymel installed
I had many problems to install correctly mgear because was not appearing, finally after fixing it I am having this error with the humanIk Mapper
After initializing the character and selecting the head and neck it’s appearing this error

select -r Tech_arm_L0_fk1_ctl ;
// New character ‘Character1’ was created.
select -r Tech_neck_C0_head_ctl ;
select -tgl Tech_neck_C0_fk1_ctl ;
select -tgl Tech_neck_C0_fk0_ctl ;

Error: name ‘pm’ is not defined

# Traceback (most recent call last):

# File “”, line 1, in

# NameError: name ‘pm’ is not defined

Looking forward for help!!

Maybe you don’t have PyMEL installed for Maya? mGear requires it.

I’m not sure, but I think for 2024 you must install it manually. pymel · PyPI (Ctrl-F “install” to jump to the installation instructions.)

I have pymel installed, the last one. Mgear is starting but the humanik is not working.

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Hello @Alexfp3d
I had the exact same error trying to map controlers with the HumanIK Mapper

What I did is opening the script editor and run this python command

import pymel.core as pm

And Voilà !
The mapping did not show any error by then

Hope it helps !

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