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Exporting mesh weights with jointed namespaces

One problem I have is that when mgear exports joint weights with namespaces, the JSKIN file automatically removes the namespaces from the joints, which causes the import of weights to fail because the joints with namespaces are not found.

Yes that is by design. Why you need to have namespaces in the joints?

It’s because some of the skeletons in my scene have the same name, and I have to use namespaces to distinguish between the same names.

I want to use mgear to import and export metahuman weights, but since the head bones of meta human and some of the body bones overlap and have the same name, I want to export and import the weights with namespace.

@shujiang Sorry for the later reply. I see. I will check on that.
I have created a ticket

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Best practice is to create skinned rigs in a file with one character at a time. Once it’s skinned, you can import the finished skinned rig into a file with many other characters using namespaces, and apply animation there.


Sorry, is this problem solved in the latest version? I downloaded the latest version, but I still can’t get in because of this namespace problem

This is still an open issue on Github. https://github.com/mgear-dev/mgear4/pull/223

It looks like CatAndDogSoup has contributed a potential fix, but it still likely needs some testing before being approved.