I ran into the same problem! But instead of filing a bug, I just wrote a POST script to fix it.
I put each of these snippets after I import my eye rig and lip rig files.
import pymel.core as pm
from mgear import rigbits
### fix missing buffer controls. It doesn't do it automatically!
lipControls = [
for lipControl in lipControls:
if pm.objExists(lipControl + '_controlBuffer'):
oTarget = pm.PyNode(lipControl)
oSource = pm.PyNode(lipControl + '_controlBuffer')
rigbits.replaceShape(oSource, [oTarget])
# The {} is for string formatting the L and R sides.
eyeControls = [
for side in 'LR':
for eyeControl in eyeControls:
if pm.objExists(eyeControl.format(side) + '_controlBuffer'):
oTarget = pm.PyNode(eyeControl.format(side))
oSource = pm.PyNode(eyeControl.format(side) + '_controlBuffer')
rigbits.replaceShape(oSource, [oTarget])