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Eyelid rigger "everyNVertex" error

Hey guys,

I’m still getting this error, anyone familiar with it? it does build eye lids correctly when I do it manually but once in post script it doesn’t run and I get this error.


If you are getting an error, please explain in detail what you are doing. Explain which command or script you used to save the config JSON. Show the code you are running to build, inside code blocks surrounded with triple backticks ```

My first guess is you are saving and loading the JSON with different versions of the script, or maybe different versions of mGear.

I’m using eye rigger 2 on mgear 4.2.2 and saving a json file from that.

then im running :

from mgear.rigbits.facial_rigger import eye_rigger


def build_eyes(self, stepDict):
    path = os.path.join(self.stepDict["PRE_BASIC_LIBRARY"].data_path,


the error code I get

# Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "*******\mgear\mgear_4.2.2\scripts\mgear\shifter\guide.py", line 1365, in runStep
#     cs.run(customStepDic)
#   File "*********/scripts/post/06_eyes.py", line 45, in run
#     self.build_eyes(stepDict)
#   File "*********/scripts/post/06_eyes.py", line 75, in build_eyes
#     eye_rigger.rig_from_file(path)
#   File "*********\mgear\mgear_4.2.2\scripts\mgear\rigbits\facial_rigger\eye_rigger.py", line 1316, in rig_from_file
#     rig(**json.load(open(path)))
# TypeError: rig() got an unexpected keyword argument 'everyNVertex'
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