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Fix foot rig of Quadruped

Hello, I didn’t find this issue here so I gotta ask.
I am rigging a quadruped model and the legs pivots aren’t aligned. They will stay like this so I’m trying to work around, I’m using the quadruped guides and the IK controls and foot roll are a bit crazy.

Already tried the solution mentioned on mGear’s youtube video Basics Guide Placement of unparenting the foot guides and orienting but it isn’t working with the quadruped guides. Maybe it’s because the IK is too lopsided.
Anyway I managed to reposition some controls of the front feet and it is good enough but the back feet are way more lopsided and just unparenting and creating offset groups to reorient isn’t working.
Any suggestion of a more clean way of fixing the orientations other than doing these patches I’m doing after the rig is generated?

Img of the suggested fix on biped that didn’t work for me