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Fix tilted foot roll controller

Hey there,
I am having trouble setting up feet - it seems like my foot roll controller is tilted inwards and I can’t find a way to change it. It looks like this.

If I rotate the foot_L0_roll_npo the control can be rotated to point forward, but the axis of the footroll is still rotated outwards. Where can I change this to use world up?

Another thing I am seeing is that this rotation is close to the opposite of the tilt that my rig’s leg has.

Thank you so much!

After some trial and error digging I found the solution!

The foot roll rotation is defined by a plane that is defined by the toe, heel and root guide ( blue ).
Making sure these are aligned will make your feet have the correct plane.



correct! :slight_smile: you need a plane defined by the triangle to set the orientation