Hi people. This link above contains a file I am struggling with. For a frontpaw of a dragon I am trying to set up a foot_bck_01 with two sections. Fingers are also set up. I have attached them in the guide to the root of the footguide. When building the rig, the bones turn out to originate much deeper in the paw, and behave very much unwanted when manipulating the ctl’s. Especialy when using the bk1_ctl, the inpaw-fingers are getting teared off the actual joint-ankle…
Is this fixable?
Thank you, Michiel
Hello @mackerB
The behavior your want is not something build by default. You need to understand that your fingers root are actually going before the toes pivot which then creates the behavior you are having.
To fix this you need to do a little bit of custom rig on top which is nothing that crazy.
You need to use an offset into your toes root joints without affecting the FK behavior of your fingers.
Do you want me to provide you with an example?
Hi Jerome, that would be awesome. I have hacked now something of which I doubt it can sustain the production-strain, very sloppily done. If you could provide a theoretical example from an insiders view i’d be much obliged
That’s greatly appreciated.
Congrats with the new release also!
Hello @mackerB
Please download this video and check it out…
I did an example on your file where I explain what I am doing. Please give it a try and let me know if this works for you.
@Jerome, I am very impressed with the precise and hands on walk-through you made to help me solve this problem. It looks splendid and more then good enough for my needs. Not only did it answer this question, it accidentally answered some other issues as well with which I am struggling.
Downside is, for those follow-ups I’ll be probably cooking up many more new questions/topics for your forum
Thanks a ton
Hey Jerome, I don’t suppose you could rehost that video file? Would love to check it out as I’m facing a similar issue.
Really interesting, thanks Jerome!
Hello Jerome,
could you please reupload the video so i can see it!?
Thanks for your time
Here it is
Hi Jerome!
Sorry, one more of the same!
Could you give me access to that same offset_fk.mp4 example of yours?
I would be really interested in seeing that, too.
Thanks in advance,
Hello Jerome, is it possible to reupload this video as i want to achieve the same thing?
Thank you