Finished my rig for my main character using mGear, it’s a good auto-rigger!
From what I’ve seen mGear creates a little too many controllers in the arms and legs (the round shaped controls at the elbow and shoulders, I don’t really understand their use, same for the round shaped controls for the legs) but nothing that can’t be hidden using Object Display > Visiblity for each shape that’s in the controller.
I also used the Dynamic Chain Setup tool to rig the hair and coat to have simulations on them.
Since there are quite a few controllers on this rig, I use a hotkey to toggle between the controls of the body, hair & coat.
The only struggle I’ll have with this rig is to make the hair simulations loop (1st and last frame).
The animation’s a bit slowed down in the video where I show the controls.
Thanks for mGear Miquel!