I am having an issue where after I build my rig, the IK arm doesn’t stay in place when I move my COG around, instead it follows along as if it were an FK system.
I followed the YouTube “Data Centric Rigging” tutorial when building it. My arm_2jnt_02 has the armUI_LO_root as its host and the IK reference array has shoulder_LO_root, COG_CO_root, Global_CO_root. as is the case in the tutorial. (I have also attempted to mimic the default Biped template for the IK reference array but neither worked)
The only thing I am not certain about is a warning when building.
// Warning: pymel.core.general : Could not create desired MFn. Defaulting to MFnDagNode. //
I read a prior thread mentioning that it shouldn’t be causing issues, but I just wanted to double check.
(As was in the prior thread, I am also using ngSkintools and not DeltaMush. The only other addition I have plugged in is the ACES colour space.)
Is there any issue in how I built the rig that would result in the IK arm not functioning properly?