There is no setting for this. I do this with a post script, shared below. I also make sure translating the shoulder works. I forget if Shifter does that by default or not.
(I aim my neck and fingers too.)
I don’t use the EPIC shoulder, so there is a chance this script might need a bit of adjustment. Especially in the aim and up vectors.
Also, one thing to note. “# add a root to the aimConstrained node to give it a stable reference space.” If you parent constrain an aimed node’s parent, you don’t need an upvector object. I’m not sure if that’s well known, but that’s how I do mine below:
import mgear
import mgear.shifter.custom_step as cstp
import pymel.core as pm
from mgear.core import attribute, transform
from mgear import rigbits
class CustomShifterStep(cstp.customShifterMainStep):
def __init__(self): = "final_rig_cleanup"
self.charName = pm.PyNode('guide').rig_name.get()
def run(self, stepDict):
oModel = stepDict['mgearRun'].model
for side in 'LR':
def add_clavicle_aimer(self, side):
### AIM THE CLAVICLES WHEN MOVING THE shoulder_L0_orbit_ctl
orbitControl = pm.PyNode('shoulder_{}0_orbit_ctl'.format(side))
armAimer = pm.PyNode('arm_{}0_eff_loc'.format(side)).getParent()
shoulderRoot = pm.PyNode('shoulder_{}0_ctl_npo'.format(side)).getParent()
shoulderJoint = pm.PyNode('shoulder_{}0_shoulder_jnt'.format(side))
shoulderControl = pm.PyNode('shoulder_{}0_ctl'.format(side))
armRoot = pm.PyNode('shoulder_{}0_orbit_ctl'.format(side))
clavOriLoc =, name='shoulder_{}0_clav_ori'.format(side))
transform.matchWorldTransform(shoulderJoint, clavOriLoc)
pm.parent(clavOriLoc, shoulderRoot)
# add a root to the aimConstrained node to give it a stable reference space.
clavOriLocRoot = rigbits.addNPO(clavOriLoc)[0]
pm.pointConstraint(shoulderControl, clavOriLoc, mo=False)
pm.parentConstraint(shoulderControl, clavOriLocRoot, mo=False)
if side == 'L':
pAimVector = (1,0,0)
pUpVector = (0,0,1)
elif side == 'R':
pAimVector = (-1,0,0)
pUpVector = (0,0,-1)
# delete the decomposeMatrix that is driving the rotation of the shoulder joint
pm.orientConstraint(clavOriLoc, shoulderJoint)
attribute.lockAttribute(armRoot, attributes=['v', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz'])
attribute.lockAttribute(shoulderControl, attributes=['v', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz'])