Here’s my post script to do exactly that - there are a few threads that have similar scripts but for some only this appears as a result.
So here’s my customstep just in case it helps someone. ( I deliberately commented out the ikcns because some people prefer the forward-pointing one and I can have both in this way )
import mgear.shifter.custom_step as cstp
import pymel.core as pm
from mgear.core import attribute, transform
from mgear import rigbits
class CustomShifterStep(cstp.customShifterMainStep):
"""Custom Step description
def setup(self):
Setting the name property makes the custom step accessible
in later steps.
i.e: Running self.custom_step("alignHandRotationToGuide") from steps ran after
this one, will grant this step.
""" = "alignLegRotationToGuide"
def run(self):
"""Run method.
i.e: self.mgear_run.global_ctl
gets the global_ctl from shifter rig build base
i.e: self.component("control_C0").ctl
gets the ctl from shifter component called control_C0
i.e: self.custom_step("otherCustomStepName").ctlMesh
gets the ctlMesh from a previous custom step called
None: None
for side in "LR":
rotation_ref = pm.PyNode(f"leg_{side}0_ankle")
fk_npo = pm.PyNode(f"leg_{side}0_fk2_npo")
fk_ctl = pm.PyNode(f"leg_{side}0_fk2_ctl")
ik_ctl = pm.PyNode(f"leg_{side}0_ik_ctl")
# ik_cns_ctl = pm.PyNode(f"leg_{side}0_ikcns_ctl")
# fix fk rot
# unlock and unparent chihldren that we don't want to rotate
self.unlockAllAxes(fk_npo, 'rotate')
fk_children = fk_ctl.getChildren(type='transform')
ik_children = ik_ctl.getChildren(type='transform')
# ik_cns_children = ik_cns_ctl.getChildren(type='transform')
pm.parent(fk_children, None)
pm.parent(ik_children, None)
# pm.parent(ik_cns_children, None)
# match rotations to guide
self.matchWorldRotation(rotation_ref, fk_npo)
self.matchWorldRotation(rotation_ref, ik_ctl)
# self.matchWorldRotation(rotation_ref, ik_cns_ctl)
# reparent children / clean up
pm.parent(fk_children, fk_ctl)
pm.parent(ik_children, ik_ctl)
# pm.parent(ik_cns_children, ik_cns_ctl)
self.lockAllAxes(fk_npo, 'rotate')
# match mth
transform.matchWorldTransform(fk_ctl, pm.PyNode('_ctl', '_mth')))
transform.matchWorldTransform(ik_ctl, pm.PyNode('_ctl', '_mth')))
# make sure nulling the controller goes back to the the base rotation
def matchWorldRotation(self, source, target):
pm.matchTransform(target, source, rotation=True)
def unlockAllAxes(self, node, channel):
for axis in 'XYZ':
node.setAttr(channel, lock=False)
node.setAttr(f"{channel}{axis}", lock=False)
def lockAllAxes(self, node, channel):
for axis in 'XYZ':
node.setAttr(channel, lock=True)
node.setAttr(f"{channel}{axis}", lock=True)