I’ve been working on a rig that needs to have IkFk matching on a chain_01 component. I tried using the same code structure that can be set up with the arm/leg components in the picker. I couldn’t find anything other than that online. I’d also love to know if this can be done with other components.
Here’s the code I’m using:
from mgear.core import anim_utils
if not __INIT__:
anim_utils. ikFkMatch_with_namespace(__NAMESPACE__,
["C_trunk0_Fk_trunk_ctl", "C_trunk0_Fk_trunk_1_ctl", "C_trunk0_Fk_trunk_2_ctl", "C_trunk0_Fk_trunk_3_ctl", "C_trunk0_Fk_trunk_4_ctl", "C_trunk0_Fk_trunk_5_ctl", "C_trunk0_Fk_trunk_6_ctl", "C_trunk0_Fk_trunk_7_ctl", "C_trunk0_Fk_trunk_8_ctl", "C_trunk0_Fk_trunk_9_ctl"],