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Left hand IK not following Right hand properly


I was looking at this old link

about having the IK hands follow the opposite hands but I am still encountering a problem.

When I set the either hand to follow the opposite hand in the “Component Settings”, the hands do not follow properly.
The hands are jittery and do not follow smoothly, popping to random locations.

Who do I make the hand follow smoothly?

Are you doing both left-to-right and right-to-left? Then you have a dependency cycle.

Or are you just choosing one direction, and still seeing the popping?

Just one direction. Adding Left to right.

It follows it “mostly” but it doesn’t align properly and when I select another control it “pops” like there is an update error.

Is the above image correct? Is that what it should look like?

Hard to say. It’s a partial view of one component’s settings. You haven’t said which component you are showing. We can’t see your other components, and where a cycle may be occurring.

  1. What component are you showing? Which limb component are you using?
  2. What do the settings for the opposite arm look like?
  3. Are you seeing cycle warnings in the script output? You might need to turn cycle checks back on if you turned them off. cycleCheck -e on;

Left arm

Right Arm

I don’t see any cycle checks. I am using the Unreal Mannequin Template (Z Up) for the base rig.

it is a bit odd because when i rebuild I can get the hand to follow but not rotate with the right arm or sometimes it follows and rotates but then pops to a new location. (even with same settings)