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Leg foot IK orientation to FK foot, match IK/FK problem

Hi guys,
For some time fighting with match ik/fk on Zup metahuman.
I`m reorienting leg and arms IK to match fk.
The trick works for arms, but with same logic for legs match IK/FK logic flips.
Many thanks for any hint on how you solve that.

my logic(based on @chrislesage mostly):

for side in 'LR':
    ik_ctl= pm.PyNode('arm_{}0_ik_ctl'.format(side))
    ik_cns= pm.PyNode('arm_{}0_ikcns_ctl'.format(side))
    pm.parent(ik_ctl, None)
    ik_trans = ik_ctl.getChildren(type='transform')
    pm.parent(ik_trans, None)
    pm.parent(ik_ctl, ik_cns.getParent())
    pm.parent(ik_cns, ik_ctl)
    transform.resetTransform(ik_cns, t=True, r=True, s=True)
    pm.parent(ik_trans, ik_cns)

Can you perhaps show some screenshots of the issue?

And explain a bit more detail about what you are reorienting. I recognize the script for swapping the order of the hierarchy, right? But I don’t get what that means about “reorienting leg and arms IK to match FK”.