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Lips Rigger: Joints offset when moving spine controllers

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this thread!

I am working on a personal project but unfortunately, I have run into a little snag. I have added the lips rig to my current rig but I cannot seem to get it to work properly.

Every time I try to add skinning to the Rope_jnt(s) around the lips, the lips lose the ability to follow the movement of the head/body.

I have tried looking through the forum and messing with the rig myself but with my very limited knowledge of rigging and this system, I am at a loss.

If there is a kind soul out there who would be willing to lend me a hand I would be eternally grateful.

If you need any more information, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you!

It’s really hard to tell from a screenshot like that.

  • Are the final lip joints staying in world space, or double-transforming?
  • Do the lip controls follow the head, or stay in world space?

  • If the lip controls aren’t following, constrain them to the head, or jaw as needed.
  • If the joints are double-transforming, you might need to unparent something from something that is moving. Probably the curves (ropes). Or set them to not inherit transforms.

If it isn’t any of those things, you’d probably need to show some screenshare, or upload the rig for someone to look.

Thank you for replying!

This is what my joints look like when I rotate the body forward. The controllers stay in place but the joints do not follow the head.
Here is my outliner to paint a clearer picture:
I’m not sure what I should be parenting or unparenting to help the situation. I’ve tried a bit myself and I seem to be making the situation worse.