Hi welcome @dg3duy
Depending on how they set things up, you probably shouldn’t need to write your own switcher. The answers I give you will assume you are using an mGear Shifter Biped template. The template is just an example, and you are free to change it. But if you do choose different components, or rename the components, you might have to alter some of the code examples.
(And just to be clear in terminology, mGear is a rigging framework composed of plugins and scripts. “Shifter” is the rig you build with all the rig components. So that’s what I mean when I say Shifter.)
In the mGear menu, if you turn on “mGear Viewport Menu” then you will have a new right-click menu when you have an mGear Shifter controller selected. This will give you some options for seamless space-switching and IK/FK switching.
In the mGear release, you’ll find some picker samples under “anim_picker_samples” folders. Load these, and they should work out of the box with a standard Shifter biped template. If you don’t rename the arms and legs, it should work with other limb components too. For example, if you change the arms to arm_2jnt_freeTangents_01
. In that picker sample, you’ll find some buttons for seamless space switching and IK/FK switching.
I suggest you play with the Anim Picker, and learn how to edit and change it. It’s quite easy to make your own custom pickers, based off of this template. And if you change your rig name, (or if they changed the naming conventions of the rig you were given) then you can edit the code to match your new names, if required.
Hope that helps!