Big Thanks to @mgear_dev team and all the people that support the project!!!
And BIG BIG Thanks to Studio Anima for his support to mGear!!!
You Rock!!!
New Features
- shifter_classic_components: New Component: chain_IK_with_variable FK and stack connection [shifter_classic_components#43]
- shifter_classic_components: New Component: chain_net_01 [shifter_classic_components#42]
- shifter_classic_components: new component: Lite chain stack [shifter_classic_components#40]
- mgear_core:implemented filesize compression for jSkin and gSkin (pull request #28)
- Rigbits: Update tweakers modules [rigbits#18]
- Shifter: add optional uihost argument on addAnimParam and addAnimEnumParam [shifter#60]
- Shifter: avoid negative scaling in joints [shifter#59]
- Shifter: inspect settings open tap option [shifter#62]
- Shifter: Shared custom step fix color feedback and hover information [shifter#57]
- shifter_classic_components: chain_net_01: improve pickwalk [shifter_classic_components#47]
- shifter_classic_components: Chains with stack connection should have connection offset options [shifter_classic_components#46]
- shifter_classic_components: Review channel hosts for stack connection chains [shifter_classic_components#44]
- simpleRig: handle geometry selection option when convert to shifter rig [simpleRig#6]
- Synoptic: Fix refresh needed on togglButtons and on visibility/control tabs [synoptic#13]
Bug Fix
- mgear_core: attribute module log error wrong flags [mgear_core#29]
- shifter_classic_components: chain FK with variable IK the extreme controls should not be on 0 or 1.0 of the path [shifter_classic_components#45]
Here is the usual youtube playlist with the overview of the new features and enhancements:
EDIT: Just update the post to 3.1.1, since I have found an issue with 3.1.0 on the fix done in * mgear_core: applyop stretch: component using squash stretch solver explodes when max stretch above 1.5 [mgear_core#30]
So this is a fixed version without the change.