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Mgear for game engines

Hello Miquel,

I’m trying to understand a few things about mgear:

  1. There are some controls in the legs and arms on the biped default rig that seem to do nothing, specifically the round controls called “leg_L0_mid_ctl” and “arm_L0_mid_ctl”? When I’m rotating them or moving them nothing happens.
    I checked the settings and there is no way to remove that controller in the middle.

  2. Is there a way to have no roll joints in the arms and legs? The divisions in the settings won’t go lower than 1. I checked out all of your arm components and they don’t seem to allow for no roll joints. Same for the legs, is there no arms/legs component that have no roll joints?

  3. You scripted something up with rotation orders for your controls to have the rotation orders in the attribute editor. Is there a way to have them all naturally set to xyz (the standard): game engines do not support custom rotation orders on joints. At least not in Unity.

  4. In your single hierarchy joints there are not just joints but some transform groups are also created, things like “foot_L0_jnt_org”. That’s not super optimized for game engines because it’s like adding more joints. Are those necessary?

  5. It would be great if the neck also allowed for less divisions than 3. What kind of alternative can I use to have less joints for the neck?

Answers to these questions would be very much appreciated! :slight_smile:


Hi @Jeremy

This control should move the position of the knee and elbow. The rotation affects the roll and only affects the other axis if you have set some roundness value

That will be available in mGear 3.0 it is already done, but the setting UI is not finished, need to be edit from the attribute editor of the component root. You can check the beta in github

The joints are always in default rotation order. Only controls have edited this, but the controls are not exported to game engine, correct?

This must be an error on your configuration because should not be like that. :wink:

I will check that for the moment you can use simple control_01 to define the neck and head :wink:

I hope this helps :slight_smile:


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Hi @Miquel

Is there any progress regarding neck joints count?

is there any downside in using the chain_01 ?

is there any downside in using the chain_01 ?

Test it and see! Then reply and let us know, and you can earn those sweet, sweet likes. :heart:

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ahah, well…so far seems to work :sweat_smile:

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long time since I replied here but I’ve been trying to use a “chain_01” (or any other chain for that matter) as a simple version of a neck rig…but I’ve now realized that the rotation orientation is a issue.
No matter what I do, I can’t get the X axis to be the “forward/backwards” rotation like the spine components.

So…unless anyone here has a better solution, for me looks like I’ll be stacking 2 “control_01” as my simple neck option

Hi @gui

For the moment the joint axis orientation is not editable. I have to implement something to control the axis orientation for each component.

I have open a new ticket:


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