Has anyone experienced the following bug or maybe has a workflow in preventing this from happening?
We have rigged a couple models with MGear 4.0.9 in Maya 2023 and we’re experiencing some visual glitches:
When manipulating the MGear controller the Normals of the mesh seem to be shifting. The actual Vertex/Polygon Normals are not changed but the Viewport seems to think so. This happens once after manipulating, it shifts back once the initial action is undo-ed or a keyframe is placed on the controller.
This to the point were it’s hiding crashes of geometry and we can no longer properly animate the model.
I have done some testing and the same scene seems to work in Maya 2020 with the same version of Mgear, so this could also be a Maya 2023 bug.
I have not been able to reproduce the issue in Maya 2023 using default or other rigging solutions, so I am thinking it’s either a specific bug in Maya or a conflict in evaluation between Maya 2023 and MGear.
Thanks for the help!