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Morel limbs across spine

I have a basic question.
If i have the spine component, and i wand to attach several arms on its way, i can set my guide either to the top component of the spine (spine_C0_eff) or the Base (spine_C0_root). I want my arms follow the smooth movement of the later generated spine Bones.
How would i go? Parent Constraint after Rig Build? Cant really get it to work properly.


I had the same problem, I checked “Parent Joint Index” and increased that “-1” until limb is parented under correct spine joint. You can add specific joint name that you want to parent under from “Configure”.

I think mGear only has built-in option for joints only unfortunately, I did parentConstraints for the control curves going from spine joints to corresponding control roots.

You can access those roots with self.component("nameOfTheComponent").root

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the clarification! Actually my tests didnt work cause i had translation unchecked in the parent constraint settings. stupid me! :smiley:

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