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RBF Manager bug 90 degree angle

Hi there!
I’m trying to create a push-joints setup for my rig and ran into problem:
Here is the setup:

The problem is that if I rotate Y more than 90 degree the driven starts to click into some random position:

Does anyone know how can I fix this?

Check your euler gimbals on the rotation. You likely need to change the rotation order of the driver so rotateY is stable.

Or if you can’t change the rotation order of that control for some reason, you can parent constrain another node to it. Change its rotation order and use it as a stable driver instead.


I’m having the same issue, couldn’t find how to solve it. Also, lately I have many errors coming from RBF decomposition.

i have also posted a RBF manager bug several days ago- the driven nodes dont show up!

Maya 2023.1
Mgear 4.0.9

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thanks for the reply!
Unfortunately I didn’t get how to do this.
In my case the driver is the bone, control is used only for mirroring the pose.
But I’m not sure I can change the bone rotation order.
Should I do this before building from guide?

From the other replies, perhaps there is some larger bug.

For information about rotation order: Everything you thought you knew about Maya Joint Orient is wrong! - Rigging Dojo


I am not sure this is an error with the RBF manager, but rather with the arm component.

For the elbow and wrist joints, mGear creates nodes readerB_loc and readerC_loc which have stable rotations. Use these instead of the joints to drive your RBFs! But readerA_loc was always kind of strange and not usable. I think it just needs to be set up properly to read the rotations at the shoulder. This is where you could apply a different rotation order.

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