There is no feedback category and this is no feature request either. I hope it’s OK to post here. If not, pls let me know and I’ll post somewhere else.
So to get straight to it, I found RBF Manager to be a sensitive tool, easy to mess up, in some cases less-than-ideally named, and overall quite confusing. These are my issues with it. Hope it’s helpful feedback, but if it’s not, maybe I can get some advice on how to use it better, to get more reliable results.
The first issue for me was understanding the oddly named “Edit” button, which doesn’t put you in Edit mode but is rather an “Update Pose” or “Update Values” button. So it functions Post not Pre editing. I’ll get to this again in a bit, keep reading, thanks! ^ ^
Seeing rotation values for the Driven, so we can pose accurately, by numbers, would be a huge help. Instead, RBF zeroes rotations for the driven ctrls immediately after setting any pose, and so posing accurately, by numbers, is only possible by constantly using the slow-to-reach, hidden-in-menus Reevaluate Nodes… which takes me to the next issue.
Reevaluate Nodes is an essential tool that is used for updating manually edited values, right? We need to do this all the time, as I mentioned above. It should be one of the 4 main buttons [atm there are only 3]. Add Pose, Update Pose [instead of the poorly named Edit Pose], Update Pose Values [instead of the totally confusing Reevaluate Nodes…], and Delete Pose. But the Reevaluate Nodes/Update Pose, ideally, I’d expect it to work automatically every time the user inputs something manually in pose values! If that was the case, it wouldn’t need to be part of the UI.
Display Keyable and NonKeyable are essential and shouldn’t be hidden in an obscure RMB menu. In fact, I would make Display Keyable default, not Display ALL, if there are any keyable attributes, if not, then look for non-keyable, and use that as default, and only if both of these fail, display the millions of attributes that you guys show by default now.
A smallish… cosmetic issue. The UI default overall size is a bit too small and doesn’t remember its manual resizing. Every time I restart the tool, first thing I have to do is resize it to fit a lot more space, so I can see poses and values.
Select Attributes. What attributes are we talking about?.. This is confusing and I think it would work better named Select Driver Attributes.
The entire concept of Driver and Control is confusing. Maybe Driver and Controller… but it’s similarly confusing. It’s not immediately clear why there are 2 drivers. I would have first Driver Controller and then Driver Deformer or Driver Joint maybe. This I feel like it needs some rethinking, the whole logic of it is… meh.
Instead of forcing to Specify Setup Name, give it a default name based on Driver, and then let the users Rename, if they want to. If possible.
Anything past 180 degrees rotation will fail to work, unless manually, specifically edited numbers. Is this because of quaternions or because of my Maya settings? I think the weightDriver plugin has support for Euler rotations as well, wouldn’t it help having that as a choice in the setup?
The behavior of the RBF poses, when driving past the set/posed limits, is wobbly and hard to understand. I’d expect no movement at all, why is there some wobbly jittery something? I’ve also had cases where the pose snaps back to default 000. Any advice?
The Refresh UI button can [and in my case did, a few times] destroy the setup in the UI, and there is no going back to it, unless you’ve saved the scene or the setup. What happens is: the driven objects disappear in the UI, even if the setup still exists in the scene. Dangerous to use, why is it one of the main UI buttons?
Delete Current Setup can fail big time, especially when mixed with Refresh. There are issues with refreshing the UI, importing, and deleting the setup. If I do it cleanly, it should work. If I save a setup called Test, and import it over an existing Test, it will make deleting impossible. Deleting a setup when not in 000 pose is also an issue, it will leave that pose at whichever values, and importing a new setup will not be correct because of that, it will start with a default that’s not set at 000.
I hope you will consider improving this tool in the future, and get it to be more intuitive and more robust, so it’s easier to understand and easier to use.