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Reference with mgear rig causes Scene to load infinite

Hello everyone,
My group and I have a problem with opening scenes in Maya. The problems occur when we try to open certain shot scenes. We open a scene, Maya loads all the references and then proceeds to load. But nothing ever happens even after waiting 30 min. No errors, just loading and loading…
We have a master scene into which we referenced all of our assets. The assets are 2 fully rigged (human mgear rig and bouncing ball rig) characters and an environment with lighting and all. We worked on different shots that all originated from the master scene.

Since we all work from home we use google drive as a backup and mirroring platform. We made sure no one is working on the same scenes at the same time and also checked all the reference files. No problems there. The weird thing is that it only happens to certain scenes. Some scenes open like they usually do and others just keep loading and nothing happens.

There is a scene that might cause the problem. One of the rigged characters (mgear rig). The scenes open if we don’t load the reference of him. This is weird because the character reference only makes problems in the mentioned scenes. The Origin file of the rigged character works just fine.

The problem suddenly occurred after some time of working on everything. Is there anything that could cause this issue? Did anyone have similar problems and were able to fix them?
If you need any additional info I will try to answer as soon as possible.

We appreciate all the help we can get.
Thanks in advance

This looks like a Maya reference edits issue.
It is hard to debug without the scene. But if you create a clean scene and reference the rig and the issue is not happening is highly probable that the issue is in this reference edits
More info here: Reference edits overview | Maya 2020 | Autodesk Knowledge Network.

I hope this helps

Thx for replying. When i create a clean scene and reference the boy, key some movements, save it, close it and reopen it, it usually works. But sometimes not. For example: To test if this issue occurs again I made a copy of my master scene and called it Shot_21. I referenced all my stuff, keyed one pose, and saved it. Then I closed the scene and opened it again. Then I made a new version out of the scene called Shot_21_v02. Here I used a different reference (crystal) copied it and combined the mesh. I parented it to the hand of the boy and keyed another pose. I saved the file and created v03. There I keyed more poses and saved the file. I tried opening the files again but v02 and v03 were broken again. Since this seems so unpredictable I am kind of worried because I don’t know if all my work will be lost again.

Since this is a group project could it be possible that the reference path is the issue? Mine starts with H:, theirs with G and F.

Maybe is trying to search the network. But is hard to tell/debug without having the scene and same environment.
My guess is that is not mGear related but a circumstantial situation :sweat_smile: but hard to tell 100% sure

There you go. It’s the broken scene and the reference that doesn’t work. Maybe you understand whats going on here :frowning:

I will try to check this, but I am stretched very thin these days. It make take some time until I have a gap :sweat_smile:

Don’t worry. Thanks a lot !!^^

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I’m having the same problem you described! Have you ever solved that issue? Thanks!

I had the same problem once, and the solution for me was to reset my Maya settings.
I know it’s a painful process sometimes :\
I also don’t guarantee it will work :slight_smile:

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If you try that, backup the folder first, in case that’s not the problem. Then you can restore your settings, or portions of the settings. I keep my maya prefs version controlled in git. I haven’t had to reset my preferences since at least 2012 or longer.

Sometimes it’s a scene problem.

Sometimes it can be fixed by importing the scene and then saving it as a new version.

Sometimes it can be fixed by referencing the scene, then importing files from reference, and then saving as a new scene, and then it will reference properly for some strange reason.

Sometimes there might be a glitchy node in the scene and it needs to be found by opening the file in a text editor. I’ve had this kind of thing happening since the early 2000s, so I doubt it’s mGear specific.

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