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Reset bind pose doesn't work with Mannequin Template

Hello everyone!

I’m having a bit of trouble with the bind pose of the EPIC mannequin Y-Up template, I don’t use mGear a lot so I’m probably doing something wrong haha.

What’s happening is that in the synoptic picket the “Reset Bind Pose” button doesn’t do anything on my rig and the “Go to Bind Pose” from Maya gives me a “Pose not achieve” error.

I’ve tried unbinding and rebinding the skin without success.

Does anyone could give me advice on this?
Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

The Synoptic tool is extremely out of date and is deprecated. The Anim Picker is the tool you should be using. But I don’t think the Anim Picker has any template with a similar button. You could make your own.

If you want to use the Synoptic tool, you’ll have to edit certain parts to work with your own rig, and as I recall, it’s difficult to edit. Which is why we use the Anim Picker, which is easy to edit.

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Oh okay I will be using the Anim Picker then, thank you for your quick answer!

But just to be sure, is it a normal mGear behavior that I can’t use the Maya’s “Go to Bind Pose” option?

Synoptic “Go to bind pose” should be working. However synoptic will be removed in mGear 5.0.
Anyway I will confirm it is working the anim picker
Thanks for the feedback