Hi guys. I started getting errors and what seems to be corruption of the rig. Today I saved a scene, then opened it again a few minutes later. I get the below message in the script editor. The character (was doing a normal walk) starts twisting up on itself, and as the scene plays over and over the twisting becomes progressively worse. It’s not a work file that I can share unfortunately. We thought maybe it has something to do with referencing the file, but I don’t know why that should do this. I had this last week too, and it seems to be happening in multiple scenes now.
// Error: line 0: ‘spine_C0_ik1_ctl_rotate_spine.rotateOrder’ already has an incoming connection from ‘character.placeHolderList[20]’. //
I deleted the rest. 28 in total, then what seems to be hundreds of lines like the one below
// Warning: line 0: Cycle on ‘spine_C0_ik1_ctl_rotateOrder_spine.output’ may not evaluate as expected. (Use ‘cycleCheck -e off’ to disable this warning.) //