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Rotation not mirrored between Left and Right on Template

Hi there have noticed that the right upper arm and leg rotation values aren’t coming across on the Epic and biped game templates. biped template y up looks okay though, gifs below.

Apologies if answered elsewhere I’m new to mGear

Hello @aripanzer
The X axis direction is inverted for the L and R side. So the values are not the same. I think that is correct, but please le me know if I am missing something here. Thanks

Thanks for your reply Miquel, Hopefully the image above illustrates the issue abit more clearly. Biped template displays the behaviour I’d expect whereas the EPIC and game templates right side rotations cause some issues

That looks like a big Bug :sweat_smile:
Logged here to be review and fixed


Thanks pal! Same thing is occurring on the Right side upper leg

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Hello @aripanzer
I have been checking the issue. But I can’t reproduce it with the Mannequin or the metahuman Y-Up templates
Can you send me the maya scene? Also may I know your Maya version and OS?

I can’t reproduce the issue and I will close the ticket. If more information arrives I will open it again :slight_smile: