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Second time building rig or importing guide is very slow

I am having an annoying behavior that I don’t know where to even start fixing.
If I open a fresh maya (2020 / macOS catalina ) I can import my guide template and build my rig no problem. It’s a bit complicated and builds in about 20 sec.

If I delete my rig and try to rebuild it takes over 2 minutes to build.
The same happens if I delete and reimport a guide template. It takes 10 times as long to build the guide. I don’t get errors that I can find.

I can restart Maya each time but that gets pretty annoying and if I forget to restart I end up having to take a coffee break.

I don’t know it this is a Maya, Mgear or macOS issue.

Has anyone else had this problem?

Hey Todd!

Do you have to restart Maya to get a fast build again? If you keep Maya open but create a new scene before building, does it still slowdown your build?

From what you described, what might be happening is some other nodes might be still on scene after deleting the rig, depending on how you do it, and that may slowdown subsequent builds eventually.

If you start a fresh Maya scene and then on Outliner you uncheck “Show DAG objects only” option at Outliner’s Display menu, you can see that even an “empty” scene have some nodes hidden there.

Importing and Building a guide will bring to that scene more things than just those inside “guide” and “rig” groups and deleting only these groups left extra nodes behind.

So to avoid this is preferable build it in a fresh Maya scene as you said. You can also create a selection Set of those extra nodes on Outliner to make sure you delete them before rebuilding, but I personally prefer just start a new scene everytime, specially for guides with a lot of components.

You didn’t mention about using it, but another thing that slowdown building time is, if you have a Channel Master window opened, close it before building your rigs.

Those are the main things I can remember seeing before.

Hope it helps you to work around. :v:t4:

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Good call @G.Robert

Here is a thread I remember with some scripts that clean out some nodes that tend to accumulate in the scene. Pre Custom script that cleans the scene