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Skin export error

Greetings team,
I hope this message finds you well. I am currently trying to export a Skin Pack (Export Skin Pack ASCII) but am encountering an error. Could anyone kindly assist me with this issue? I would greatly appreciate your help.

Error: RuntimeError: file /bla/bla/bla/bla/bla/maya/plugins/mgear4.2.2/scripts/mgear/core/skin.py line 146: (kInvalidParameter): Object is incompatible with this method

I am using the following app. spec:
mgear 4.2.2
maya 2023.2
python 3.9.7

Thank you so much in advance!

I moved this to a new topic. You were replying to a very old unrelated thread.

What kind of objects(s) do you have selected when you are running the command? Did you try one mesh at a time to try and narrow down which object is giving the trouble? Or is it any skinned mesh? Nurbs? Lattice?

On the object you are exporting, what is the history? Does it have some other deformers besides skinCluster? Can you show a screenshot or something?

How specifically are you exporting the skinPack? Through the menu? Or through Python?