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SpaceManager + CustomSteps

Hi there, I’m pretty new in Rigging using Mgear.
I’m animator, not pro Rigger, or either Programmer but I’ve already created customsteps for my production.
Unfortunatly, there’s something I can’t figure out.

I don’t know how to import and run SpaceManager Data using CustomStep. There’s no information about how to do that in all the videos I saw on Youtube, or in the Framework Website of Mgear.

Can somebody help me on that topic ? Is there anyway to do that ?
Thanks a lot for your answers, it’s very appreciated.

Hi there Trigaud,

You’ve asked how to access SpaceManager Data using CustomSteps. Instead, could you tell us what you’re trying to do?

Because if you tell us what you’re trying to do, maybe there is no reason to write a custom step in the first place. I’ve never used the “SpaceManager” tool. You can add space switches directly in the guide. Is there a reason you can’t use the guides?

Hi, thanks for the answer.

Here’s a quick description of what I’m doind and why I’m using SpaceManager.

I’m creating hairs for my characters that are falling on the shoulders. I want them to move with dynamics, so I used a “chain_spring_01”. I also add on top of this the boneDynamicNode developed by Hiroyuki Akasaki. There a way to add it to the “chain_spring_01”. It allow the hairs to collide with colliders added on the skeleton.

Then, I’m using the Space Manager to allow switching of spaces for my hairscontrols between Head_Ctl and Spine_Ctl. As SpaceManager create individual entries in the channel box for each space constraints, I can animate a smooth switch, blended between the two spaces, I can also have both activated. So that’s a nice feature for my usage.
I don’t find how to perfom this kind of blend with the space switches of the Guide. Also, I even don’t find this option when creating a “chain_spring_01”. But as I said, I’m pretty new in using MGear, so maybe I missed something. If it’s the case, please tell me.

So, as I’ve got lot of hairs to deal with, I wanted to create a CustomStep that allow me to simply load SpaceManager data and Run it. That will save me time when re-generating the RIG.