Set the relation between the guide elements and the objects of the final rig build
for example:
self.relatives[“eff”] = self.eff_loc where the “eff” is the object in the guide
jointRelatives = the relatives for joint connection (if is not override with use index joint connection)
controlRelatives = for control pickwalk relatives
aliasRelatives = for reference arrays. For example IK space switch
def setRelation(self):
"""Set the relation beetween object from guide to rig"""
self.relatives["root"] = self.div_cns[0]
self.relatives["elbow"] = self.div_cns[self.settings["div0"] + 2]
self.relatives["wrist"] = self.div_cns[-1]
self.relatives["eff"] = self.eff_loc
self.jointRelatives["root"] = 0
self.jointRelatives["elbow"] = self.settings["div0"] + 2
self.jointRelatives["wrist"] = len(self.div_cns) - 1
self.jointRelatives["eff"] = -1
self.controlRelatives["root"] = self.fk0_ctl
self.controlRelatives["elbow"] = self.fk1_ctl
self.controlRelatives["wrist"] = self.fk2_ctl
self.controlRelatives["eff"] = self.fk2_ctl
# here is really don't needed because the name is the same as the alias
self.aliasRelatives["root"] = "root"
self.aliasRelatives["elbow"] = "elbow"
self.aliasRelatives["wrist"] = "wrist"
self.aliasRelatives["eff"] = "hand"
I hope this helps