What’s the normal workflow when making changes to a submodule of mgear_dist, such as for instance rigbits?
Currently what I’m doing is forking mgear_dist and rigbits to my GitHub account.
Checking out mgear_dist
Changing the url for rigbits in mgear_dist/.gitmodules to point to my forked rigbits
Running “git submodule sync” to update it
Create a feature branch mgear_dist/framework/rigbits and working on the code there.
This way I can run scons to build the whole thing from mgear_dist, and simply set MAYA_MODULES_PATH to point to my mgear_dist/release folder for testing.
Once I’ve got a feature done that I would like to share, I guess I would push my changes in rigbits back up to my GitHub account, and run a pull request to mgear-dev/rigbits from there.
Does this workflow make sense? Or is there are a better way to do this?