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AnimPicker refresh

Hello everyone!

Im currently doing a picker with some custom scripts on the picker items.
And i have some items inside the picker (circles) that change colors for example if im working on IK or FK. So, for example, if I press the switch IK button inside the picker, the arm switches to IK and then calls the circle to checks the attribute in the arm that is now in 1 turns red, and if i press the switch FK, it does the same but now the arm is FK, attribute 0, circle turns blue.

That’s working fine. The problem is, when i manually change the arm attribute inside the attribute editor in maya. The UI inside the picker doesnt change. Is there a way to do this?

Thanks for your help!

Are you familiar with Callbacks? callbacks command

I imagine this is how you’ll have to handle something like that.

Hey Chrislesage! thanks a lot for your quick response. Im familiar with callbacks, but correct me if im wrong, that would mean i would have to do this in the mgear code and add a function, right? if that’s so, isnt there a way i could handle inside maya?