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Chain_net_01 joint positioning on guides

Hi, I am using the chain net 01 components to rig a wing with bones only. I am trying to find the option to place the joints on guides instead of creating them uniformly in the chain. How can I update them in the post step?

@chrislesage Hi :). Do you know if it is possible to do it? I have this kind of bony skeleton; if I use a chain net, joints are not in a guide place. That is why I was wondering. I tried and it is possible with lite_chain_stack but then I lose chain net functionality.

Hello good sir, i’m also facing a similar problem. i’ve asked about Joint Placement in “Chain_” controllers. this is the answer i got :

But i would love for there to be an update /bump on the issue. maybe a new type of chain controller that follows the joint placement based on where you set the points of the guide? that would be amazing!!

@Hobbz we already have a bunch of chain components that set the joints in the same position as the locators