I’ve just been investigating why some of the controls I’ve been creating have been coming through as degree 1 despite their default degree as defined in icon.py is 3.
The reason seems to be in “component_init_.py” in the addCtl function theres these lines:
if "degree" not in kwargs.keys():
kwargs["degree"] = 1
Which sets the default to 1. This overides the default value functionality defined in icon.py and seems to me to be pretty redundant?
Having those lines in “component_init_.py” forces you to set a degree of 3 on calling addCtl no matter what else you’ll get a degree 1 curve in spite of what is set as the default order in icon.py
To see this in effect create a control_01 with a circle control curve and it will be angular instead of smooth because its curve is created as order 1, despite having defaults of order 3 as defined in icon.py