hey you all.
i’m trying to write a pymel code that will create and edit guide components.
for now i’ve managed to create a simple control_01 guide and rename it.
the most important thing that i need now, and don’t know how, is to decide if the controller will have a joint or not.
this is what i have for now:
import mgear.maya.shifter as shifter
componentName = "name"
guide = shifter.guide.Rig()
guide.drawNewComponent(parent, 'control_01')
root = pm.PyNode("control_C0_root")
ComponentGuide = shifter.component.guide.ComponentGuide()
ComponentGuide.rename(root , componentName , "C", index)
i’m using currently mgear 2.6.1 , seems like in the near future i will upgrade to the latest 3 version.
so if it’s different or much easier in 3 i’ll be happy to know.