Hey guys. I’m just about to finish Data centric Youtube playlist and it’s awesome! I had no idea about rigging whatsoever and nearly managed to make one with just Mgear. That’s huge! Miguel, thanks!
I have a question, in the rigging tutorial 23_Facial Data-Centric Rigging the rig appears with eye brows and eyes rigged ( which is very nice ). But I can’t find this step anywhere else? or is there a paid version to get a full tutorial?
I tried a cowboy way of manipulating scripts and making a brow_ctrl slide on top of the surface ( Surprisingly it worked and I had a whole bottle of champagne ready, waiting for me as I felt a like a superhero managed to do something without a tutorial ).
I used a mouth_slide script just changed names to eyebrow, which is probably very abusive and inappropriate way of using this script. It created a blendshape head_geo which then is projected to my non local geo I suppose? still trying to work this out but it did the job.
But the problem that EyeBrows are on the different geo so if i skin them to a blendshape they are left behind when I move the rig… if I skin them to another geo ( im still confused with local / non local ) it works but doesn’t move the brows hah
Kind people of mgear, just for a second imagine if you need to teach a crocodile to speak Italian. Is there a way to make this work and connect to specifically this " tutorial " setting type rig : ) many thanks in advance!