I’m having this issue in 4.0.9 on the EPIC_leg_01 component.
I get an imperfect match in certain situations when switching a leg from FK to IK, in that the upv control is placed in the wrong position. This occurs when the IK foot controls have non-zero values (i.e., “bk”, “heel” or “roll” controls). If I manually switch to IK, zero out these controls, then switch back to FK and perform the match to IK, it works as expected. Is this a known issue?
I have a secondary complaint with IK/FK matching in general: The upv control is placed uncomfortably close to the knee/elbow on match when the limb is at straighter angles, although it seems like this is by design. Any chance this could be revisited so the upv is offset at a more consistent distance from the knee/elbow, perhaps a distance that is a fraction of the default length of the limb?